I have the FULL set BLACK ORDER FOR YOU! The children of thanos brand new never used never posed. Only opened for pictures and never removed from plastic. I’m in USA and these all came in straight form china. These were not made by hot toys, but by 3rd party makers but the quality is almost as good as hot toys! But they all come with different names since they didn’t have the rights to make them from marvel. 1 SMALL ISSUE… The Cull Obsidian is HUUUGGE, but toys wonderland sent him with his head a bit loose. So I couldn’t send him back for a replace it would cost a fortune. So I was stuck! Everything is perfect, his head is just a tad loose. But he can look left and right perfectly, but if he looks up his head won’t stay there, it just comes back down. I would have never noticed if I didn’t open him up to check that everything was there. Other than that it’s perfect ! All of them are! You’ll never find another deal like this. It’s honestly crazy to offer free shipping as well since these are 4 boxes to send out!